24 October 2023

October 24, 2023: What’s New in Qlik Cloud?

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Add a chart to a report

The Qlik Reporting connector in Qlik Application Automation has been expanded to allow for the composition of reports that include charts via the Add Chart to Report and Add Chart to Multi App Report blocks. This allows report developers to achieve compositions that include both charts and sheets.

Monitoring Automations now available for admins

Tenant admins can now seamlessly monitor automations and across all users of a tenant, all within the intuitive Management Console. Now with advanced filtering, tenant admins can easily get an overview of all automations running at a given moment in time, view scheduled automations, or get a list of all failed automation runs in any given time period.

Your tenant level admin can now:

  • Enable/Disable Automation

  • Delete Automation

  • Change Automation Owner

Keep things organized with efficient sorting options:

  • In the Automations tab, sort by “Automation name,” “Last run status,” “Last run,” “Created,” or “Last update.”

  • In the Runs tab, sort by “Automation name,” “Run status,” and now, “Duration.”

And for precise control, utilize our filtering options:

  • On the Automations tab, filter by “Automation name,” “Last run status,” “Run mode,” or the new “Owner” field.

  • Over on the Runs tab, filter by “Automation name,” “Last run status,” “Start time,” the new “Owner” field, and even “Automation ID(s).”

Managing automations

Hoe kunnen we helpen?

Barry heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring als Data & Analytics architect, developer, trainer en auteur. Hij helpt je graag met al je vragen.