20 September 2022

September 20, 2022: What’s New in Qlik Cloud?

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New Qlik AutoML connector

The Qlik AutoML connector loads data from the integrated Qlik AutoML platform into Qlik Cloud using an analytics connection.

This connector can apply your machine learning models (ML deployments) to data using an analytics connection. The connector sends data to specific predictive endpoints, returning predictions that can be loaded into Qlik Cloud.

Real-time predictions APIs, and therefore, the Qlik AutoML connector is not available for customers using the capacity that is included with a Qlik Sense Enterprise SaaS subscription.

Not supported in Qlik Cloud Government.

Qlik AutoML analytics source

Time series forecasting properties

You can now use the visual exploration menu to change the properties of time series forecasting in line charts. For personalized insights, without having to edit the chart, adjust properties, such as the number of forecast steps, step size and unit, and forecasting method, for both dimensions and measures.

Example of visual exploration when changing time series forecasting

Visual exploration menu with data tab open for a line chart with forecasting.

Using the visual exploration menu to explore time series forecasting

Canceling an app reload

A new Cancel button on the Reload history page lets you stop the app reload process, for example, if the reload is taking too long or you want to start a new reload.

Cancel a reload from the Reload history page

Screenshot of the Reload History menu in Qlik Cloud. The Reload History menu displays the status, start time, end time, and duration of reloads in an app. The cancel button is also shown in the screenshot.

Viewing reload history for an app

Font styling with map charts

App developers can now style the font used for titles, subtitles, and footnotes in map charts, giving them more options for customizing their visualizations.

You also now have the option to customize font properties (family, size, and color) for labels in several types of map layers. This applies to point, area, chart, and line layers.

Map chart font styling

Styling text in maps

Advanced map properties

Notifications with spaces

You can now receive notifications when you’ve been invited to engage with new content in a space. Set your notification preferences and delivery options for spaces in your Profile settings.

Notifications with spaces

Space notifications

Customizing Home in the cloud hub

A simplified cloud hub interface now makes it easier to customize your Home. The tabbed view has been removed, and all items are now listed in a single dialog.

Customize your home dialog

Customize Home in the hub

Hoe kunnen we helpen?

Barry heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring als Data & Analytics architect, developer, trainer en auteur. Hij helpt je graag met al je vragen.