8 September 2022

TimeXtender version 22 is here!

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In the first week of august 2022 the TimeXtender partners had the chance to take a first look at the new TimeXtender version, number 22. Now were really excited to announce: Version 22 of TimeXtender is here! After the release of the ODX server and some of the challenges that came with it, a lot of new features are here to make our lives a lot easier again. No more tedious tasks! Or, significantly less with this version. These are the features that we’re the most excited about.

End-to-End scheduling

Up until this point the ODX Server and the Data Warehouse each had their own scheduling. But not anymore. Schedule your entire Data Estate from front to back and let TimeXtender automatically determine dependencies between the included objects to ensure the correct execution order. Unlock the full power of TimeXtender by having the possibility to load the data from ODX to MDW in one go, with all parallel loading and processing capabilities. This will make your Data Warehouse load faster.

Full OTAP capabilities

You can now to hook up your Test / Acceptance data sources to you Development / Test / Acceptance TimeXtender environments, and your Production data sources to your Production TimeXtender instance. Test source system changes in your own Acceptance environment before releasing them in your source system. This will definitely take your change management to the next level.

Onwards to the cloud with TimeXtender version 22!

The new release brings us a lot of exciting new cloud-oriented features and fixes:

No more hassle with licence keys

You now log in to your TimeXtender software. This provides an easy way of authenticating for the TimeXtender software and the developers who need to be working with TimeXtender. Just open your TimeXtender software and log in directly. All logins and licences are managed through the TimeXtender Portal.

The new login screen of TimeXtender version 22

Cloud Powered Data Estate set up

Set up your Data Estate through the portal. The new “data areas” in TimeXtender version 22 are especially cool. No more different projects, but a single overview with separate data areas if you like. More flexibility and no more switching projects. All set up is done in the portal. For the ODX Server, the Data Warehouse(s) and the Data Connections. These set ups are transferred directly to your TimeXtender instance and off you go!

Full Documentation is back

It is once again possible to create the total documentation again including the new ODX Server. This was gone for a little while and we’re very happy that this feature was brought back.

This also means that data lineage and impact analyses now include the ODX server. Before it was possible to see that the data came from the ODX server, but now it includes the source of the data as well.

Features, Features, Features in TimeXtender version 22

The users of TimeXtender have spoken and TimeXtender listened. Lots of new features have been added to TimeXtender version 22. Very exciting ones in the ODX server and even more in the MDW / Datawarehouse. Let’s dive into the most exciting ones:


  • Custom(er) Connectors
    The possibility to create your own Custom(er) data source is here. With this feature you can create your own data source connections. Even though TimeXtender and CDATA already provide lots of connectors, there is always a source which simply will not fit in a box. Now you can create your own connectors and have the freedom of flexibility with how to connect to your sources.
Easy copy and pasting in TimeXtender version 22
  • Ctrl+C / Ctrl+P
    Copy – Paste ODX Connectors. No more tediously re-creating connectors. Now you can copy-paste the connector, make your minor changes or connect them to another connection made in the connection manager in the portal and you’re good to go.

(Modern) Datawarehouse

  • More ODXs
    Hook-up more ODXs to one Datawarehouse and have TimeXtender switch between Data from Test / Acceptance sources and Production data sources when releasing your project.
  • ODX table mappings
    Set up rules to map multiple tables from you ODX to 1 Datawarehouse table and have it load up data automatically to one table when more tables who fit that filter appear in the sources. This means no more time consuming manual mapping and risky releases.
  • Data Profiling
    As a supplement to the plain preview option in TimeXtender, you can run a standard analysis on a table to get an overview of the data profile. This can help with checking / tracking data quality and have a good overview on the contents of the table
Data profiling in TimeXtender version 22

Semantic Layer

  • Semantic endpoint for CSV files
    Output the data from your Azure database straight to CSV to provide data dumps for the business or store them in your data lake.

We hope that you’re just as excited about these new features as we are. If you have any questions what TimeXtender can do for your organization or if you’re running TimeXtender and you would like to upgrade in any way (to Azure or the new version), please don’t hesitate to contact us. We might even throw in a live sneak preview of the new version, if you want .

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New Release TimeXtender

How can we help?

Barry has over 20 years experience as a Data & Analytics architect, developer, trainer and author. He will gladly help you with any questions you may have.